Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Top 8 Idol Women

Ryan appears on stage cleanly shaved, with a tie on, wow a tie, however he might have appeared too formal with it all the way tied, so its hanging loose around his neck. Maybe Will took his revenge from last week and tried to undress Ryan before the show.

Paris – Conga

She did not sound really great tonight. Whenever contestants shoot for the Miami sound machine, they come up a bit short, usually somewhere around Del Boca Vista. We learned that Paris is a Tomboy and that she cannot sing every type of music. Her vocals are pretty good, but she is not convincing on “Conga.” Music arrangement is not that great, which is not Paris’s fault. This is the type of song that only works with a large band behind you that you can play off of, by yourself on stage eh, not so convincing. Paris added some random long notes that really felt out of place. To her credit, she did dance around, however it looked like Gloria might have shortly after the bus accident. The judges don’t really feel her tonight - I tend to agree. Has anyone noticed the massively large watch on Randy’s arm? Paris did pick an up tempo song that is out of her element which is cool, but the execution was average. Her hair has been different every week, most impressive thing was that her eye shadow was a dead on match for her dress. Judges tell her they will see her next week, I agree, she is safe.

Lisa – Where I Stand

She likes Jimmy and can even play a little Haze on the guitar, that’s pretty cool, for the first moment this season we discover Lisa is in fact human. I would have liked her to pick a faster paced song for tonight, but instead we get her 45th ballad in a row. She had a few pitch problems on the sustained notes. There is just something about the timbre of her voice that doesn’t do it for me, it was a good performance, but not great. Other than the Hendrix reference Lisa hasn’t shown any spunk or personality. The judges tell her she will sail through to the next round, like Paris, the judges are correct.

Melissa – What About Love

Wow she used to drag race kids in high school. She is doing a Heart song, have we set a record for most Heart songs in the first couple weeks of American Idol? Did Heart pay off Idol? Heart hasn’t had this many people paying attention to them since they showed up for the all you can eat buffet at the Sizzler. She is showing off the belly button ring and looks comfortable on stage. While Melissa is singing the camera pans over to a girl who appears to be her sister rocking out, but standing next to her is a kid with a sullen look on his face. Dude, even if you hate your sister at least pretend you like hearing her sing. She might have taken on more than she can handle. The high notes are a stretch, she shouts more than sings throughout the song, and is off pitch with the backup singers a couple of times. Overall, it’s a pretty good performance; she has been getting better every week. However, she needed to do something BIG to crack the top 6, she didn’t

Kinnick – If I Ain’t Got You

Kinnick, your little video at the start is your chance to show America why you are adorable and worth keeping around. Telling us that you like chitlins (think Chicken McNuggets with less chicken) and threatening us not to ‘play with your chitlins” just didn’t get the job done. In fact I think just lost a million votes right there. She finally picked a song right for her voice, and her wardrobe is great. She looks like a girl in her 20s, unlike week one where she could have passed for a 40 year old. Alicia Keys tends to write songs that have a lot of pitch changes all clogged up in succession. Well, Kinnick didn’t handle those well. Once she lost the right pitch she never caught it again. It was kinda like when Mickey made Rocky chase the chickens. You could tell in her eyes the second she finished that she knew how bad she sounded. The single cruelest moment of the night came when Simon told her that she was appalling at times and the audience made no noise. Not even her family booed or hissed! Come on Kinnick relatives you have to go all Apollo on Simon and get the crowd behind your girl, but they did not, which means even they knew that Kinnick will be back home eating Chitlins very soon. Even Melissa, who was not great tonight, had crowd booing support when Simon said she wasn’t that good.

McPheever – Think

Kat is not leaving the show! Whew. There are rumors going around that she is pregnant? Could they all flow from the awful outfit she wore last week that made her look about 3 months along? We learn from Kat that the Boston Conservatory teaches its students how to have sex with people through the television. Kat looks a lot better this week and sounds fantastic. Her voice was big and yet it felt like she barely broke a sweat. I think she has a lot more inside her that we have not seen yet. After doing two stylistic songs Kat needed a fast paced fun song, and she delivered. As soon as she is done performing she turns into a giddy schoolgirl. Its like she has a smoldering on/off switch. The judges tell her she will sail through to the next round, which again, is correct.

Ayla – Unwritten

We learn from her introduction that her Dad throws like a girl. I hope for his sake he is right handed and was throwing the ball with his left hand for fun, because otherwise this man should not be reelected. You cannot trust a man that can’t throw a football, which is why Jay Fiedler will never hold elected office. She is wearing a pretty cute outfit, although it’s a drab brown – is UPS giving her money for this? Its always dangerous when you sing a song that is currently the song on 6 out of 10 teenagers myspace sites. Its like the national anthem, when you screw up everyone knows it, but she nailed the song. It was almost as good as the original, except her dancing. At one point it looked like she was pretending to surf. Congrats to Natasha for having her song performed on Idol (see the post about the Top 10 men). The reign of the Beddingfields is upon us! The judges were not crazy about her song choice, but even Simon recognized she did a pretty good job. Considering all she had done so far were ballads where she impersonated a tree this was a great job by Ayla. The highlight of the night came when Ryan stood next to Ayla. This must have been what it looked like when Tom removed his lifts and stood next to Nicole, no wonder she left him, well that and he is insane. I cannot imagine her losing any fan support tonight, instead, she should pick up some votes for doing well on something not her style. Ayla just locked herself into the top 6.

Mandisa – I’m Every Woman

We learn that she used to suck her thumb a lot, too bad her thumb didn’t prevent the flow of food into her mouth. She is wearing jeans again this week, but its not as traumatic as last weeks debut. I suggested last week she needed to do an Aretha type song this week to show off her pipes, and she does. The girl can definitely belt it out, however, I’ve always considered this song easy to sing. There are few pitch modulations; the song consists of a lot of sustained notes. Poor Kinnick. The camera pans up to the girls on the balcony who are all busting a move except for Kinnick – she knows she sucked it up like a vacuum tonight. She is not moving, leaning against the wall, with her hands firmly in front of her, I hope she doesn’t jump! If you have a big voice like Mandisa its easy to bring down the house with this song, but her performance wasn’t nearly as special as the judges thought. Paula, clearly not recovered from her drug relapse last week said Mandisa “sang her butt off,” when clearly there was still butt left. Was anyone else creeped out by Ryan saying that Mandisa has “got quite a lot going on in the shower?” Mandisa earned her way into the top 6, and good for her. Frenchie would have made the finals but for her sex scandal. Speaking of that, who is paying to see her naked, that has to be the most unprofitable sex website since Its nice you don’t have to be a hottie to do well on this show.

Kellie – I’m the Only one

We learn that Kellie loves dogs. Aww. Next week we will learn she likes apple pie too! The intro shows her with her ‘smart’ dog Comet. Sadly, Comet appears to suffer from brain damage, but the fact he can walk and bark convinces Kellie that her dog is brilliant. Wow they have fire on the screen behind Kellie, which actually fits the lyrics to the song! She sounds pretty good on the song. As always she has some pitch problems and does not have the purest voice, but there is something about her that makes it sound good. The judges are all in love with her, especially Simon who calls her a naughty little minx. Kellie has no idea what he is talking about and just giggles. While standing next to Ryan she says “I’m a mink,” then says she had SaLmon for lunch this week. It is now officially impossible for her to be any cuter. Did anyone notice that when she tried to hold up 8 fingers she realized she was holding a microphone, so she put the microphone in between her legs. Before the censors at Fox could panic, she put the mic back in her hand, but not before Ryan started to crack up. This is the reincarnation of Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In. If you had Kellie answering questions about politics and medicine for 30 mins I’m convinced it would be a top 10 show. She is big time safe this week.

Final Thoughts –

The girls did a pretty good job this week. Facing immense pressure they put on a better show than last week, with a couple really good performances and at least one great one. For me Kat had the performance of the night, with Mandisa a close second. Kat sang a technically more difficult song than Mandisa and displayed more personality. She also had the best tone of anyone tonight; she might have the purest voice in the competition now that Bobby is gone. Lisa and Paris have been frontrunners all season and did nothing to harm their chance at the top 6. Ayla, the really tall girl that could, should be safe in the top 6 as well. She did a really good job tonight and is growing every week. It would be a shame if she does not continue her journey. That means Melissa and Kinnick are going home this week. Oh darn. Will anyone even miss them?


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